NOBODY LIKES TO BE HINDERED BY WORLDLY TROUBLES Silence. In times were everything is framed into a format to problematize reality as kind of market driven neuroticism, I longed to escape into a trouble-less, and perfect world, a kind of naive desire for a peaceful beautiful world. I like thinking on how utopia could look like. Therefor I travel. It all starts with a painting I see in the Museum of Contemporary art in Seoul, South Korea. The influential Chinese landscape painter Guo Xi (c. 1020-1090) wrote a sentence which felt appositely to our times, "Nobody likes to be hindered by worldly troubles“. This sentence was exactly what I felt, although it has a great ironical feel. It feels that we as people misbehaved in heaven, and that we were kicked out to suffer on earth, longing to get back, but lacking knowledge on how to return. While traveling I met an English teacher on the island of Saryando who tells the legend of Ognyeo, a Korean princess who was sent to the world by her father as a punishment for her sins committed in the celestial world. Both, the phrase of Gou Xi and the Korean mountain legend, are to some extend mildly ironic and naive. While traveling I recorded both randomly sounds and recorded answers on a basic question to people what they though was beauty. Thus project turns into a metaphorical project attempting to document, capture and sometimes stage reality. Opposed to what photography does, the images are used to escape from reality, and try to fit in a sense of poetry in our dailyness. ———————————————————————————————————————— The project was made into a book. Self published. Edition of 300 books, all numbered and signed. About 650 grams. 120 pages. Size 205x265mm. Hardcover in white broken linen. 110 photos. 2015 © Franky Verdickt The book includes a booklet of 40 pages with soundscape. Lay-out: Lofi Studio Printed by: Stevens Print ISBN 978-9-082177-01-5————————————————————————————————————————